Who Wants A Shot Of Magical Coffin Juice?

When a 30 ton black granite sarcophagus was found at the bottom of a pit in Alexandria, Egypt last week, people thought the 2,000 year old vessel could contain the remains of Alexander The Great!

When it was opened, the findings weren't quite as exciting. They found three skeletons floating in a foul-smelling, deep red liquid. 

Rumors started to swirl that a plague of locusts or boils could spread across the land. To calm fears, the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities was quick to dispel the notion that opening the sarcophagus might unleash a curse.

Now, close to 25,000 people have signed a Change.org petition to drink the red coffin juice. Specifically, to drink it "in the form of some sort of carbonated energy drink so we can assume its powers and finally die."

Could drinking this potion be the key to immortality and super human powers?

Well, Egyptian officials say this is not "juice for mummies that contains an elixir of life" or red mercury; it's just sewage water that leaked into the sarcophagus.

Despite the fact that it's liquid poop, the signatures grow...

If you want to tempt fate and slug some Mummy Juice with a slice of lime, sign the petition here, Change.org

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