Sony Walkman Made Its Debut July 1st,1979

40 years ago today on July 1st, the Sony Corp. in Japan unveiled a game-changing device in the electronics industry. The Walkman was born. Music lovers could now take their music with them wherever they went. The original TPS-L2, portable cassette player was blue and silver and sold for around ¥33,000,or about $150 at the time in U.S. dollars.

The critics blasted it initially, saying it was too expensive and didn't offer a record feature. Despite all that, the Walkman was an overnight success selling 50,000 devices in the first two months. One year later we finally got to enjoy it in all its glory when it made its U.S. debut. The Walkman became an icon and lasted for almost 3 decades. Over that time it would add features like FM/AM radio, recording capability and was also offered in CD formats too, before the arrival of MP3 audio. Personally, I must've had 4-5 different versions of this thing. I took it everywhere and it fit neatly into your jean or leather jacket.

via usatoday

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