NH Tells Woman She Has To Turn In Her "PB4WEGO" License Plate

Via Fosters.com. Wendy Auger of New Hampshire has had a vanity license plate on her car for 15 years that reads, "PB4WEGO." For those of you who don't speak vanity plate, that's "pee before we go." It's always gotten smiles from other drivers and never been a problem, until now.

The New Hampshire Department of Motor Vehicles wants her to turn in the plate because phrases related to excretory acts aren’t permitted. She told Foster's Daily Democrat, “Who has a mom or dad or parental figure who hasn’t said that to kids before leaving the house?” Auger asked. “I’m not the type to sit here with a picket, but come on.”

Wendy has appealed the ruling and the state has said the matter is undergoing legal review, but come on, is this really offensive?

Image: Facebook Wendy Auger

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