Scooby Doo Turns 50!

Via In September of 1969, "Scooby Doo, Where Are You" premiered on CBS. For 213 dog years Scooby and a van full of teenagers have been breaking down on a foggy night outside a spooky mansion. Venturing inside they discover it's haunted, but with amateur detective skills and pure luck they would always prove it wasn't a ghost, they would pull the mask off of old man Peterson who was protecting a pile of loot!

Scooby ranks at number 2 right behind Batman in popularity of animated franchises, partly because that dog that almost speaks English appeals equally to boys and girls.

Mr. Magnus has been exclaiming that he would have gotten away with it, "if it hadn't been for those meddling kids," for a half century, and in celebration Warner Brothers has released the original series in a limited edition box set, and launched a new Scooby series,Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? on the Boomerang network.

To download the box set for an overload of "Ruh-rohs" click here to go to iTunes.

Here's a little history of Scooby...

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