(Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
The fall out from major league baseball's sign stealing scandal continues. Not only have the managers of the accused teams lost their jobs, now politicians want them to have their titles stripped.
According to the latimes.com, the Los Angeles City Council is expected to vote within the next week on a resolution urging Major League Baseball to recall the championship trophies presented to the Houston Astros in 2017 and the Boston Red Sox in 2018, and award them to the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Councilman Gil Cedillo says, “This is an equity and justice thing. Who was the best team in 2017? Who was the best team in 2018? It was the Dodgers. They got beat by teams that were cheating.
Although the resolution is expected to pass, MLB has already declined to strip the Astros of their title, realizing how crazy it is to try to ask fans to erase their memories of the games, and also the humiliation it would cause if later, the Dodgers had been found to be stealing signs.
If the Dodgers want to come and take that trophy, they're going to have to get past the beefy John Henry to take it. Wait, what?