The Most Boston Looking Bruins Fan Crashes The Mayor's Press Conference

Via Big shout out to our elected officials for keeping us updated on the Corona Virus. Yesterday during Boston Mayor Marty Walsh's press conference at city hall, someone other than a medical expert wandered into camera range. "Bruins Guy."

Twitter loves this Bruins fan, the hero we all needed, just at the right time. Some reactions:

"I desperately need backstory on Bruins guy. Bed head. Slightly hammered. And somehow wanders into presser outside city hall in midst of pandemic. ... Protesting bar closures? Looking for a Dunks that will let them hang out? Absently walking streets with no hockey? WHAT?"

“Jimmy, didn’t you say Halftime Pizza was right around this connah???”

"JAY! JAY! IT'S A BABY WHALE!!" oh wait, nope, it's a press conference..."

Behold...Bruins guy.

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