Just To Add To 2020, There Are Giant Jellyfish Warnings At The Beach

2020 is just full of surprises. First we had to worry about sharks at the beach, now it's giant jellyfish!!!

The Lion's Mane Jellyfish, also known as the Hair Jelly, can grow from 1/2 inch in diameter to 8 feet across, with tentacles that stretch up to 120 feet and it can have over 1200 of those stingers! And those tentacles can contain, "large amounts of neurotoxins that can cause a range of effects when humans come in contact, from a rash to affecting respiratory function.”

They say humans don't usually come in contact with this beast because most of the time they hang out in open ocean water, but they warn swimmers to beware. People are posting photos of these stingers from Mass. to Maine. An advisory from the Duxbury police went out on Wednesday with the warning, “BE ADVISED: We are seeing a large amount of Lion’s Mane Jellyfish in the water, both ocean and bay and some are washing up,” police said. “DO NOT TOUCH THEM. If you happen to come in contact with one please alert a lifeguard or a Beach Ranger.”

The Plymouth Harbormaster put out a similar warning Thursday. Check out the photos people are posting!

We've got a nice stretch of beach weather here. Watch your step! If you get stung are you supposed to ask someone to pee on the wound?

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