"Dark Side Of The Moon" Released March1,1973. Here's 10 Fun Facts About It

Via Rollingstone.com. When Pink Floyd released, "Dark Side of the Moon," on March 1, 1973, there's no way they could have thought it would still be selling on March 1, 2021. So far, 15 million copies have been sold in the US, and 45 million copies worldwide, and let's not forget that it spent an incredible 937 weeks on the Billboard charts.

It also made Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Rick Wright, and Nick Mason incredibly rich. Recorded at London’s Abbey Road Studios from May 1972 through January 1973, it's become a staple of rock radio stations and the soundtrack to millions of worldwide bong sessions.

Did you know that the original album cover almost had the Silver Surfer on it instead of the triangular prism which went on to grace the side of many vans? Or that Paul McCartney, who was finishing Wings’ Red Rose Speedway album at Abbey Road, was actually among the people working at the studio who Roger Waters asked a series of inane questions to, and put their voices throughout the album? However, Waters deemed his answers unusable. “He was the only person who found it necessary to perform, which was useless, of course,” Waters told Pink Floyd biographer John Harris. “I thought it was really interesting that he would do that. He was trying to be funny, which wasn’t what we wanted at all.”

Check out these fascinating little known facts about, "Dark Side of the Moon," by clicking here at Rollingstone.com.

And these videos of the making of the album!

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