Boston Emissions playlist 2/18/18

New music from Vic Firecracker, Backwards Dancer, Helen, David Age & the Regrets, Aloud, Devil Love; Plus Petty Morals, Morphine, The Gravel Pit, The Model Sons + Rock 'N' Roll Rumble


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+Local Songs of the Week 2/18/18 + [Vote Here]

1] Exit 18 - All Yours 

2] Set Fire - Falling Backwards 

3] Blindspot - Sinking Fast

all new songs added to the show each week show up on the song poll. Most vote get played each week. Tell someone.


The Gravel Pit - Something's Growing Inside

Petty Morals - Let's Go

David Age and the Regrets - Perfect Crime 

new EP, Ghost in the Ground 

Abbie Barrett - That Shame

OldJack - Luck and Drive

Aloud - Falling Out of Love

Devil Love - In A Breath of Fresh Air

Helen - Locked in My Mind 

Backwards Dancer - Breathe Life Into Beauty 

Backwards Dancer - October 

Vic Firecracker - Off or Pain 

Parlour Bells - Sanctuary Cities 

Morphine - Honey White 

Long Time - River 

Carissa Johnson - Cardinal 

Bundles - Lorum Ipsum 

Choke Up - Blue Moon

Gray Bouchard - Chasing After Honey 

Mill Pond Falls - Every Day

The Year Million - Losing Air

The Model Sons - We Both Win

2018 Rock 'N' Roll Rumble NEWS:

I know there are many awaiting news on the 2018 Rock 'N' Roll Rumble. And I know friends have been fielding questions for weeks; the truth is that they don't know either.

In November, WZLX was sold to a new company. That made for a great deal of transition for all involved. Boston Emissions with Anngelle Wood airs in its regular time slot at 10:00 on Sunday nights. My show is on the air. That is a win. Throughout this transition, I have been meeting with management and marketing and explaining what I do and how the Rumble works. It takes time. The good news is The Rumble will continue. The not-so-good news is that it won't be able to happen in the long-running tradition of nine nights in April this spring. I am postponing it.

Please know that I am working on a few exciting things, none of which I can tell you about yet. I do love that there are many who love the Rumble and that it remains an important part of Boston music. It has been a huge part of my life for ten years. It takes much work and dedication that I don't think a lot of people could pull off. I have had an amazing team throughout.

Please know that I love the Rock 'N' Roll Rumble and have every intention on continuing the tradition.

Stay Tuned.

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