New music from Graneros, Corin Ashley, Rules, War Twins, The Ultra +The Model Sons, Sidewalk Driver, The Cyanide Valentine, Carissa Johnson + the Cure-Alls, Hallelujah The Hills
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Local Songs of the Week 3/25/18
1] Helen - Locked In My Mind
2] Exit 18 - All Yours
3] Baabes - Lex Luther and Satan
All new songs added to the show each week are in BOLD and show up on the song poll.
Most votes get played each week. Tell some people, let them know about the show.
[LSOTW Vote here]
The Model Sons - We Both Win
Sidewalk Driver - Karaoke Guy (Monday Night)
--Mon, April 2 at The Boston Garden with Bon Jovi
Waltham - Summer Nights
--oddly enough, Corey Feldman is in the news this week
The Ultra - Heart On The Run
Township - Like Hell
Buffalo Tom - I’m Allowed
--April 20 at the Paradise
The Cyanide Valentine - Number 4
Corin Ashley - Ciderhouse Rules
--Sat, March 31 at Atwoods, Cambridge for an afternoon birthday celebration
War Twins - American Kids
--formerly Little War Twins from Boston; the band moved west
Aaron Lippert - Beautiful Boy
Rules - A Little Respect
Hallelujah the Hills - Blank Passports
(Ryan H. Walsh is touring for the release of his book, Astral Weeks: A Secret History of 1968)
Graneros - Tell Me It’s Fine
Bundles - Oh, Brazil
--Friday, March 30 at O'Brien's Allston
Letterday - Sick
RIBS- Brains Out
Carissa Johnson - Badlands
Orbit - Medicine
Palmdale - Bound for the Floor
Boston Emissions Playlist 3/18/18
By Anngelle Wood
Local Music Venues | Anngelle Wood
By Anngelle Wood