Carter Alan

Carter Alan

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Rockers Including Nikki Sixx Of Motley Crue Comment On The Mass Shootings

Via Ultimate Classic Rock: Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue, Twisted Sister's Dee Snider, and Sebastian Bach from Skid Row are among the classic rock artists calling for stricter gun-safety laws after a pair of mass shootings in Texas and Ohio left more than two dozen dead and many more wounded over the weekend. Nikki Sixx took to Twitter so say, "It is not too soon to be talking about how [President Donald] Trump and [Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell are enabling these violent acts by obstructing common-sense legislation that would make it more difficult for would-be mass shooters to obtain weapons designed to mass kill human beings."

Sixx later wrote on Twitter. "I'm sick of hearing about innocent people being slaughtered city after city because the politicians chose money over passing stricter gun control laws." When asked about being "bashed" by some social media followers for his comments, Sixx declared, "I'd rather be heard and hated than muted and loved."

Snider began what has turned into a lengthy back and forth with commenters from both sides of the debate with his initial Twitter response to the tragedies, in which he stated, "As a 2nd Amendment supporter and concealed carrier, I have to say something must be done with our gun laws. Arming the general populace' didn't work in El Paso. That city has open carry, concealed carry & campus carry - it is gunned up. It did NOTHING to stop the mass shooting."

He said he understood the NRA's resistance to such legislation, comparing it to his own fight against rock lyric censorship. "We didn't want to give an inch for fear it would be used to further restrict and compromise our 1st Amendment freedom," he said. "Sadly, we are talking about bullets here, not words."

Meanwhile, Bach has repeatedly attacked Trump, McConnell, Vice President Mike Pence and other Republican leaders from his Twitter account. "You and your useless Republican party don't give a fuck about the safety of the citizens of the USA," he wrote in response to a tweet of consolation from Ohio Senator Rob Portman. "Your 'prayers' are a slap in the face to the 30 people who were mowed down yesterday because of your uselessness."

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