2020, and Classic Rock has been around for a very long time no matter how you define the era.If you begin with the late-60’s groups like the latter-period Beatles and Stones, Deep Purple, Jimi Hendrix, Creedence and the like, this genre is 50 years old! The groups that grew up on the road, destroyed hotel rooms, sold millions of albums, bought and sold insanely-expensive estates, grew respectable in society after fighting everything society represented, and survived premature (and permanent) retirement through an assortment of medicinal comforts have been around long enough to end up in High-school textbooks..
A desire to retire is not misplaced in many cases, so some players are hanging it up. But having made the decision to do the farewell series of gigs, a great number of artists are having second (or third, or fourth) thoughts. One farewell leads to another, and another, and another. Looking at it cynically, perhaps it has to do with the nut on the summer place in Greece or penthouse in Manhattan, or maybe the players are addicted to 5-Star hotel service, who knows? However, it is also quite possible that the delay is due to a genuine horror at giving up a life that, arguably, many of these musicians have had for nearly their entire lives. A true artist wants to pursue that end…till the end. Look at the elder statesmen: BB King, John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters; these guys died virtually onstage.
So, there’s probably no shame in continuing the Farewell Tour into infinity. True fans don’t want to see their heroes go anyway and even if most of the stars can’t do handsprings or back flips anymore, most are better players now than they ever were in the early days. Singers and drummers probably have the biggest obstacles to surmount due to physical attrition, but if they can handle the groaning muscles and shredded vocal cords, ride on!
Here are 10 long in the tooth bands on the Farewell Tour circuit. Forever? Who knows?
Began – May 2017 Romania
Duration - Ongoing.A new European swing for the summer of 2020 has been announced, which begins in June.
When singer Ian Gillian announced this farewell tour in December 2016, he was vague about the duration, so this jaunt could go on, literally, for several more years. Having seen the show in Boston at the Orpheum in October 2019, I have no problem with Deep Purple keeping it going for as long as they can. The concert was fabulous with most of the members longtime vets who can still rock favorably compared to their past 120-DB glories. What did you say?!!!
Began – May 2018 San Diego
Duration – 18 months.Tour ended November 30, 2019 after 147 concerts
Slayer did it honorably, announcing the career finale and then sticking to the script, having traveled around the world to give fans their last opportunity to witness one of rock’s legendary thrash-metal groups. It looks like the band members are serious about ending their concert career, and who could blame them after 30+ years of vicious headbanging up there. Ouch!
Began - November 21, 2018 Grand Rapids
Duration – One year?
Bob Seger has been at it for over 50 years. His first big hit was “Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man” back in ’69 and he’s one of the performers who became synonymous with the rise of 70’s rock into the hockey arenas of the land. Apparently the November 2019 concert in Philadelphia was his last, but the singer has repeatedly expressed a disbelief that this could be it for him. He finds it amazing that its over and says he’ll miss his band, crew, and staring at the fans. right now, the website is cold with no updates in weeks, but could it be the end, for real? Jury out on this one.
Began – September 8, 2018 Allentown, PA
Duration – Ongoing, but with a time limit of 3 years. Set to wrap in 2021.
Elton John announced his farewell and plans over 300 concerts around the globe to flash his pink feather boas and dazzle with a treasure chest of hits few can rival. Although he has set a time limit for his farewell, Elton could act like so many bands and just keep extending the finish line. However, it appears solid that he’s serious about this; he wants to concentrate on home life and raise his children. Plus, with the royalties streaming in from his catalog, there may be more than enough retirement money there for a man who’s accustomed to having the best of everything.
Began - April 2015 Indio, CA
Duration - Year and a half, ending September 20, 2016
Well, this may or may not be the final tour; AC/DC has always been notoriously tight-lipped about everything they do, even if guitarist Angus Young shows just about everything onstage. It sure doesn’t feel like it’s been three years since this tour, which ended rather famously with singer Brian Johnson having to drop out because of hearing difficulties and loose cannon Axl Rose stepping in and actually finishing the tour! This would be a worthy farewell, but we’re so hoping it’s not!
Began – May 4, 2018 West Palm Beach, FL
Duration – Ongoing, but with a final show in Charlotte, NC on May 2, 2020
In 1987, Lynyrd Skynyrd, still bruised and battered physically and mentally ten years after its career-ending plane crash, improbably rallied around deceased singer Ronnie Van Zandt’s younger brother Johnny for one reunion tour. Well, 30+ years later, the band plays on, although only one original member, guitarist Gary Rossington survives, and he’s got heart issues. Although Johnny says he wants to make sure they reach every last one of the legendary southern band’s fans around the globe, this final date appears to really be final. Rossington is still playing great, but he’ s had some episodes with his ticker on the road, and without him, there’s no Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Began – April 2018 Jacksonville
Duration – Ongoing.2019 dates cancelled or rescheduled to 2020 in the wake of Ozzy’s injuries
What’s your first clue that this won’t be Ozzy’s last tour? Right, the fact that this is “No More Tours 2” – which means there was a “No More Tours 1.” So if he wasn’t committed to a deadline back in 1992 when that series of retirement gigs ran their course, why would he be pledged to a hard deadline now? Plus, with so many 2019 dates rescheduled for 2020, and the likelihood that Ozzy will get sick or injured on the road means that this tour could be constantly rescheduled forward for years! But, we love Ozzy; who wants him to quit?
Began – January 31, 2019 Vancouver
Duration – Set to end July 17, 2021 in NYC
It’s hard to take kiss seriously when they say that they’re done on 7-17-21, since they already did a farewell swing in 2000. You might say, “but that was the original lineup reunion farewell tour.” Uh, okay, I guess. Once those other two guys were gone that meant there could be more farewells in the future with more lineups. Following that logic, Kiss’s promise that this is the end of the road is as washable as their makeup!
Began – May 2003 Florida
Duration – Initially a year and a half, but now never-ending
The Eagles announced Farewell Tour dates in 2003 and ended up calling that tour the “Farewell 1 Tour,” which implied there would be more tour legs and/or numbers. But then, other tour names followed: “History of the Eagles Tour” and also “Hotel California 2020.” In the wake of Glenn Frey’s death in 2016 the group, down to one original member - Don Henley, decided to continue. With that commitment, even in the wake of a critical member’s passing, its doubtful the Eagles will ever end their run.
Began – November 2014 United Arab Emirates
Duration – Wrapped in May 2016
The Who do farewell tours more than most bands, maybe all of them. In 1982 they said farewell after the “It’s Hard” album. Then they reformed and toured in 1989. Called it quits and reformed in 1996 for a “Quadrophenia” tour,” then said ‘hell with it’ and stayed together till now. But Roger Daltrey implied in interviews that the “Who Hits 50!” tour was it. It has not been ‘it.’ The group just finished the U.S. leg of a 2019-2020 jaunt called “Movin’ On,” and a European leg begins this spring. So, if Daltrey ever says that the Who are on their final go-around, don’t believe a word of it.Then, be glad!