Found this piece from GQ We can all agree this Winter of 2018 is like that party guest that doesn't get the hint about leaving, even when the dishes are being done, the driveway is empty and there's no more beers. So, why not get away and relax on Mustique this 1400-acre private island in the Caribbean? It has been a well-documented retreat for the rich and famous for the likes of Mick Jagger, Shania Twain, Bryan Adams, the Hilfigers, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and yes, at one point even David Bowie.
The 7-Bedroom, 14-Person "Mandalay" hilltop Villa features what's described as "ornate Balinese style, essential modern elements and Caribbean charm providing guests with the ultimate in hedonistic escapism." It comes equipped with a Staff of 8 to provide daily service and hospitality! You might want to have a yard sale or something first. The property rents for between $40,000-$90,000 PER WEEK.
Here's more details and a look inside HERE