Via Forbes Sure, I love spicy food, I also love ice cream. I just don't like eating them at the same time. Reminds of that bit comedian Steven Wright used to do: "'I put a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room and let them battle it out" .
The Aldwych Cafe and Ice Cream Parlor in Glasgow, Scotland has added a new flavor to its menu. The “Respiro Del Diavolo” (meaning ‘Breath of the Devil’), it’s made with Carolina Reapers—the world’s hottest chili peppers. It carries a rating of 1,569,300 Scoville units (That’s about 500 times hotter than Tabasco). The owners were advised (thankfully) to require customers ordering it to be over the age of 18 and sign a liability waiver.
"When we decided to launch the product, we were concerned about people having fatal response to the very hot chilli peppers. So we spoke to our insurance company, and they advised us to use the waiver protection" said, Martin Bandoni, owner of the Aldwych.
Yeah.....I don't like to eat anything that has the words "fatal response" in its description. I'm good thanks. I'll stick with mint chocolate chip and call it a day.