source: UCR: Rock stars have great stories, goes without saying. Take this tale of shock and awe from Slash's childhood. During the time of David Bowie's Station to Station and The Man Who Fell to Earth albums, Slash's Mom was working as Bowie's Costume Designer. The relationship escalated from there. The Guns n' Roses guiatrist told the rock site NME:
"He was always over – they were always together, "I caught them naked once. They had a lot of stuff going on, but my perspective was limited. Looking back on it, I know exactly what was going on. When I look back on that whole combination of people, I can only imagine how freaky it was."
One can only imagine how awkward it would be for a 11-year old to walk in on their parents "taking care of business", let alone walking in on your parent with a Rock Legend like the Thin White Duke.