The loss of singer/songwriter/guitarist/producer Chris Cornell one year ago came as a huge blow and shock. Not only his legions of Soundgarden/Temple of the Dog/Audioslave fans for the last 30+ years, but those closest to him. It was well-known that Cornell had suffered and struggled with substance abuse and depression over the course of his life. His usual catharsis had been pouring himself into his work and creating amazing and sometimes soul-searching music. Sadly, he took his own life in a Detroit-area hotel after a gig with Soundgarden. He was just 52 years old. A lot has been (and continues to be) written, blogged and said about the cause of death and suicide. I though I would take this opportunity to share some positive thoughts on what has taken place since the loss of this legend.
A cause to which Chris Cornell devoted himself included the refugees of war-torn countries; he and wife Vicky founded a charity that advocated for refugees, and he donated all proceeds for his song “The Promise” to the refugee aid organization International Rescue Committee.
Vicky Cornell announced this past February that she would join the Addiction Policy Forum’s advisory board, joining former Drug Czar General Barry McCaffrey and Congressmen Alan Mollohan and Frank Guinta at the nonprofit institute focused on improving policies related to substance use disorders. She would later say: “I’ve learned a lot since losing Chris. Including the fact that addiction is a brain disease — a disease that is both preventable and treatable.”
Earlier this week, she also Tweeted out the following message to fans, friends and family.