via UCR A retired School Teacher has taken his Seger-fandom to new levels. Dennis Collon of Unionville, Michigan got to meet his musical hero back in the late '60's. Bob joined Dennis and his buddies by chance in a game of pool and probably a few beers, creating a lifelong fan along the way. Collon had such a great experience he has decided to honor Seger with his own theme bar.
It's called Cat Man Do (an obvious homage to the famous Seger tune "Katmandu") Aside from rock decor and memorabilia, patrons can chow down on "Silver Bullet" burgers and more. The owner has reached out to Bob's people on the possibility of a visit. The contact's response was:
“I guarantee we’ll be up there at some point in time. I won’t tell you when and I won’t tell you how long. But we will make a stop in there.”