via A rare, Rock and Roll Relic was recently unearthed out in Western Mass. The History Channel's "American Pickers"just aired an episode which featured an amazing piece of Aerosmith's past. The hosts of the Show, Mike and Frank made the trek from Iowa to "pick" out in Stockbridge. It was there, buried in the woods they saw a 1964 International Harvester Metro Van. The previous property owner had a connection to the Band but was unsure if this was the same official van they used to haul around New England in the early '70's. So he called in a favor to friend in the biz, The Black Keys, Dan Auerbach. Who then sent pics to Joe Perry. Since Perry is on the road with The Hollywood Vampires, enter former founding member, guitarist Ray Tabano. He showed up to verify it's authenticity on site.
Sure enough, Ray confirmed what they thought and even brought along pictures of himself with the van taken over 40 years ago! Look above at the "Gallagher-Looking guy next to the old Band logo on the side. In the episode that aired July 30th, Tabano described it as a "rolling hotel” in their club days. “We’d drive from Boston up to New Hampshire for $125. Then after the gas, the tolls, and the food and back, we’d all make like $3 apiece.”
Mike and Frank reportedly paid out $25,000 to the current property owner for the rusty beast. We can only hope there is a follow-up episode in the works with at least ONE of the current Aerosmith members. WHo knows? Maybe they'll restore it to it's original glory