Tonight we celebrate the 70th Birthday of Robert Anthony Plant. According to a 2008 interview by Ian Fortnam in Classic Rock Magazine: Plant said his legendary career got started when he: "....left home at 16 and I started my real education musically, moving from group to group, furthering my knowledge of the blues and of other music which had weight and was worth listening to"
I think we would all agree it has worked out for The Hall of Fame Zeppelin frontman. AFter 50+ years, he continues to write, record and Tour the world with his band the Sensational Space Shifters. Later this year he will pick up yet another award for his trophy room; the U.K. Americana Honors and Awards Lifetime Achievement. Catch more of his fine work each weeknight at 7 p.m. with my "Stairway to Seven" on WZLX.
Photo by Jim Dyson/Getty Images