via Boston Magazine Well, congratulations fellow Boston Drivers! According to this latest survey from Allstate Insurance Co., the City of Baltimore, MD. leads the way of the worst. Baltimore drivers are averaging an insurance claim every 3.8 years, and has "hard-braking" incidents 29.3 times/every 1,000 miles. By comparison, Boston Drivers average an insurance claim every 3.9 years (national average is about every 10 years). We do, however claim more “hard-breaking events,” at a rate of about 25.7 times per 1,000 miles. The National Average of those comes out to about 19.
On a more positive note, the town of Brownsville, Texas boasts the best drivers in the Country. The average motorist there, goes more than 13 years between insurance claims, well above the national average of 10 years. You go, Brownsville! Just remember not to take a U-Haul on Storrow Drive if you ever come to visit. (we don't want our numbers going up)