via UCR After wrapping up a very fruitful $ummer Tour with Journey, It's been a busy Fall for the pride of Sheffield, England. Def Leppard was announced on the short list of Nominees for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2019. While they still have the Fan Vote to consider as well as the Committee's final say, they're keeping busy on the new music front.
They will release both The Story So Far: The Best of Def Leppard and Hysteria: The Singles on Nov. 30. The Story So Far includes 35 classic tracks,. As well as a brand new holiday track "We All need Christmas" which you can hear above. Hysteria: The Singles is a limited-edition 10-disc vinyl box set that is loaded with extras. Oh, and the hits package will be available as a two-CD set, as as well as single-disc edition comprised of 17 tracks; there will also be double-LP vinyl and digital editions.
Photo credit: LUCY NICHOLSON/AFP/Getty Images