Poor little fella ^ ...........he probably didn't remember the cardinal rule "Liquor before beer, you're in the clear, beer before liquor, never sicker". THAT and drink a full glass of water every other drink.
Well according to this new survey from Hangover Heaven, CHINA tops the list of "Most Total Alcohol Consumed, Per Person Annually". Hangover Heaven is a medical clinic in Las Vegas, NV. that offers IV hangover treatments. They said in the article they used an industry report that details alcohol sales and consumption around the globe. Here is their list of Top Ten Drinking Countries
Numbers reflect the total Alcohol Consumption in Litres.
China: 54,290,000,000
United States: 30,500,000,000
Brazil: 14,040,000,000
Germany: 11,560,000,000
Russia: 9,500,000,000
Japan: 8,890,000,000
Mexico: 8,610,000,000
U.K. 7,470,000,000
India: 6,310,000,000
Spain: 5,140,000,000
For more info, fany infographics and a breakdown by booze, you can follow THIS LINK