Kenny Young

Kenny Young

With nearly three decades of experience in radio and broadcasting, Kenny Young joins the morning show as a full-time co-host. Kenny joined the WZLX...Full Bio


For $5,000 Jose Canseco Will Take You Hunting For Bigfoot And Aliens

Personally, if I were handling Marketing for the former MLB MVP, I would've branded this "Squatchin' With Canseco". I mean, the t-shirt sales alone would be astronomical! I guess since he has found a proper camera and you know.....evidence, Jose Canseco is inviting a limited group of "hunters" to join him on an epic expedition to see both Bigfoot and Aliens.

Last night, the former Baseball Slugger, who hit 462 home runs for seven, MLB Teams (incl. the Boston Red Sox) from 1985-2001 put out the following tweet.

According to this article form the Huffington Post, here's is a transcription of the recording you get when you call that number:

“Spend the weekend with Jose for $5000 cash. Only 5 lucky individuals will get a golden ticket. Oompa loompas ain’t got nothing on Bigfoot. Travel in his custom RV to authentic alien sightings and proven Bigfoot habitats. Camp out in the wild. Tell stories and maybe meet a real Bigfoot. You never know what’s gonna happen with Mr. Canseco. (Food included) Only serious inquiries please. I will help you book your flights to Vegas and set itineraries. Thank you. Morgan”

Response to thie post has been overwhelming and trips are selling out. And if you missed it, you can go deeper down this rabbit hole with Jose and his thoughts on Time Travel and having contacted Aliens Click HERE

Photo by Tim Boyle/Getty Images

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