Panatala H demonstrator. Credit; Pantuo AviationPhoto: Pantuo Aviation
While we may not yet have the true, hover boards like Back To The Future 2 promised us, at least the aviation industry is hard at work on flying cars. A handful of companies including Pantuo Aviation are developing these Air Taxis to help solve traffic issues among others. Below is a video demo of their T1. The prototype/demo version is half the size of the Concept H, a craft they demo'ed last year. Specs on the T1 include a top speed of 186 mph and a range of 155 miles. The full-size version, in development, is all-electric and uses lithium-ion batteries, powered by 22 fans.
Pantuo's goal is to begin service by 2027. This could be the revolution of Flying Cars we've always dreamed of, while stuck in bumper to bumper traffic at nay given time. As I said off the top, there are some other companies that have the jump on these "George Jetson-esque" machines. According to this article, rivals Lilium and Volocopter seem to be further ahead to start their flying taxis by 2024. Watch some demo videos below.