Nights with Alice Cooper is a radio show hosted by rock and roll artist and shock rock pioneer Alice Cooper. It is syndicated by United Stations Radio Networks and broadcast on over 100 radio stations in the USA, seven in Canada, and is also available in the UK (on Planet Rock), Ireland, Australia, Denmark, Sweden and New Zealand. Dozens of affiliate stations stream the radio show as well. Most places it airs from 7 p.m. to Midnight, locally.
Cooper plays requests as well as his favorite songs (most of which are classic rock), answers email from his fans, and interviews celebrities. Celebrities he has interviewed on his show include Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Brian Johnson of AC/DC, Ozzy Osbourne, Meat Loaf, Rob Zombie, Glenn Danzig, Def Leppard, and Jerry Springer. Alice Cooper's radio show also plays rare tracks of classic rock artists, along with blues, early punk rock, and psychedelic music.