Via Ultimate Classic Rock. Chaos in Boston on this night in 1970! By now, Jim Morrison had so many run ins with the law that people were coming for more than music, they wanted to see if Jim "did something".
He had been drinking all day, and by the time they hit the stage of the old Boston Arena for their second show of the night, which didn't start until after midnight, Jim was well oiled and completely unpredictable.
With a 2am curfew looming, the Arena's manager decided to cut the power to the stage — everywhere except Morrison's microphone, which was powered by a separate PA. Realizing he had a live mic, Morrison quickly used it to unleash some choice profanity.
Doors keyboardist Ray Manzarek grabbed Morrison and hauled him offstage, only to lose his grip once the two reached the wings. Running back to the mic, Morrison told the crowd "We all should get together and have some fun, because the a--holes are gonna win if we let them," then offered to lead the fun by asking the audience if they wanted to see his genitals. Good times...
Here's a clip from The Doors April 10, 1970 at The Boston Arena.