Via After retiring from a Hall of Fame baseball career that had him in a Red Sox uniform for two years, Andre "The Hawk" Dawson coached for the Miami Marlins for a while but then, quietly disappeared.
That's when he and his wife Vanessa became the owners of Paradise Memorial Funeral Home in Richmond Heights, Florida.
He does it all, scrubbing sinks and toilets, mopping floors, driving limos and hearses, and carrying caskets. He even consoles mourning families, and has learned when is the right time for him to reach out and comfort, or to just sit and listen as people grieve.
Some of his old baseball friends can't believe it The Hawk says “Jim Rice thinks it’s comical because he always thought I was grumpy and moody when I played.’’
The Hawk hitting his 400th home run at Fenway Park April 15, 1993.