Strawberry Shortcake, Rocky Road Trip, Peanut Butter Pie, even Cherry Cola flavored Oreo's I can understand as some cookie creations that came together on a Friday afternoon after the booze comes out at work. But now, Oreo has crossed that cookie line into some territory I don't think I would want to try.
Just out, Hot Chicken Wing, and Wasabi Oreo's!
The parent company behind Oreo, Mondelēz International, recently announced the pair of new flavors in a tweet. Hot Chicken Wing features a Buffalo Sauce like, orange cream, while Wasabi has that unmistakable wasabi green color.
I wonder if you get that wasabi rush that goes up through your brain stem like when you get a big hunk of it on your sushi? Unfortunately, or fortunately, they're only available in China right now.
How many days off from work would you have to take after dunking a Wasabi Oreo in milk?