After months of ugly court battles, Slash's ex wife Perla Hudson threw a divorce party Saturday night at her LA home. Guests were invited to come in costume as their favorite divorcee.
Perla dressed as 9 time divorced Zsa Zsa Gabor. One couple came as John and Lorena Bobbit complete with bloody machete and a plastic bag holding John's severed John-son. The former couple's 16 year old son London went dressed as Tommy Lee complete with belly tattoo.
London's band opened for Slash's gig at the Hollywood Palladium last night and Slash had banned Perla from coming, but she said she was going anyway. Aren't you supposed to leave the kids out of the parental battle?
The pictures on are pretty cool, especially the divorce cake featuring a solo bride blowing a kiss on top, while a guitar wielding Slash figurine is crushed beneath the layers. Ouch!!!