Chuck Nowlin

Chuck Nowlin

Hear Chuck Nowlin weekdays from 2pm - 7pm on 100.7 WZLX.Full Bio


Boston's "Magic Mike Musical" Wants To See Your Assets

Via This could be your chance. You know your good. You sing in the shower, you check yourself out in the mirror, you can be a star. "Magic Mike-The Broadway Musical" is making it's debut at the Emerson Colonial Theatre on November 30th, and they're looking for talent. This is your chance to let it all hang out!

The Magic Mike website says, "We are seeking a diverse group of talented men to lead the cast of MAGIC MIKE - THE BROADWAY MUSICAL, which premiers in Boston this fall. We are looking for true triple threats - phenomenal actors, dancers and singers. Candidates must be men between the ages of 18-30 in excellent physical shape. Any entrants who meet the artistic needs of the production may be contacted for an in-person callback in New York City."

Channing Tatum, star of "Magic Mike" the movie is the producer, so maybe he would be the one to welcome you to the lights of Broadway. Oh, one more thing, the website says, “Please do not send any tapes that include nudity." Can you imagine the cringe worthy stuff they would get?

If you're interested, send your audition tapes to by March 17th.

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