Happy Birthday to former Massachusetts Governor and Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. His staff surprised him with a special cake for his 72nd birthday. It was made out of his favorite snack, Twinkies! Seeing this tower of sugary confections that never go stale, brought out some classic Mitt exclamations, "Goodness gracious, look at this! Holy cow! That's fantastic! Wow!" Then he blew out the candles.
Now I've seen people blow out birthday cake candles by taking a big breath and spreading saliva and oxygen over those flames, I've seen people get help from friends, I've even seen someone's wife take out a fire extinguisher and blast away, but I have never seen anyone do it this way. Why Mitt? Who showed you this technique? Does everyone in your family do this? You can feel the awkwardness of how long this took. Maybe all the cool kids will start doing it this way. Happy Birthday Mitt!