Via They had to start on April Fool's Day. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation announced today that a major construction project on the Tobin Bridge will start Monday April 1st, and it's no joke. MassDOT said drivers should plan on increased travel times on sections of Route 1 northbound and southbound for drivers and MBTA bus customers. Lane closures on the Tobin Bridge northbound will be put in place with two of three travel lanes open during daytime hours. One of the three travel lanes on the Tobin Bridge northbound will be open during overnight hours.
Beginning by early May, Route 1 travel lanes in the Chelsea Curves area will be reduced so that two of three north and southbound travel lanes will be open in the daytime. One of three north and southbound travel lanes will be open during overnight hours. And,'s going to last two years. If this is part of your commute, remember that The Attitude Adjustment Hour is there to help. Tell me what song you would like to hear to deal with the pain, 617 931-1007. The swearing should be epic, even by Boston standards.
Check out this video that put together to explain the details with some upbeat music to help dull the pain.