June 6th is the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the turning point of World War 2. Tom Rice of San Diego knows it well. As a member of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division, he was jumping out of a plane over Nazi occupied France while a murderous hail of bullets flew around him, one hitting his parachute.
This 97 year old veteran trained for 6 months for this moment, 75 years later, almost to the hour,when he jumped out of a plane over Normandy today carrying an American flag instead of a machine gun. Thousands of people cheered as he floated down accompanied by other parachutists, some carrying items their Grandfathers took into battle.
He said he was representing an entire generation, and when he hit the ground exclaimed, "I feel great. I'd go up and do it all again!"
Truly, The Greatest Generation! Watch...