What's up with St. Louis? Yesterday, their hometown newspaper ran a 3 page spread congratulating The St. Louis Blues for winning The Stanley Cup, which the Bruins admitted gave them a little motivation heading into last night's game, Jenna Fischer and Jon Hamm are their celebrity fans, and a bar tried to troll Bruins fans by attempting to mock the Boston accent. Observe...
This could be the worst attempt at a Boston accent since Martin Sheen in "The Departed."
"Wick'd"? Is that supposed to be "wicked?"
And, "focken?" Since when is MMA superstar Conor McGregor from Boston?
This is as lame as the Blues' Robert Bortuzzo's cheap shots to the face of Noel Acciari at the end of Game 6. Wednesday, the bars around the Garden won't be trolling Blues fans, they'll be focused on Game 7, cheering on The Black and Gold!!! #GOBs #WeWantTheCup
(Photo by Adam Glanzman/Getty Images)