So, last night I'm channel surfing and come across HBO's Real Sports. I like this show, sometimes they have some great sports stories, and then I see the segment on Boston Celtics legend and former NBA head coach Don Nelson starting. I couldn't believe this was the same guy, he always seemed pretty straight laced.
He's retired and living in Maui now. Nellie has grown out his hair, grows his own weed, and gets stoned while playing poker with Willie Nelson most nights in his man-cave. He seems perfectly happy! He calls his home grown, "Nellie Kush," and told a great story about one of his poker buddies dying at the table while they played. He and Willie decided the guy would have wanted them to finish the game, so they played on until the coroner came. Then put some of his ashes in a cigar tube and put him on the wall! I wonder if Tommy Heinsohn would come over for a game or two?
Check it out...
He also gave one of the best answers at a Warriors post game press conference back in February...