Chuck Nowlin

Chuck Nowlin

Hear Chuck Nowlin weekdays from 2pm - 7pm on 100.7 WZLX.Full Bio


This Weekend Will Be Hot Enough To Bake Biscuits In A Car

Via Hard to believe, since it's 70 degrees today, but this weekend is gonna be hotternhell! The National Weather Service of Boston has issued an excessive heat watch from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday for most of the state. Temps will be into the 90s, dewpoints into the 70s and the heat index could get to 107!!!

At zoos they're giving lions "Bloodsicles" to keep cool. I suggested this week that a refreshing "Clamsicle" could be the frozen treat to help you survive the oven like conditions.

The heat is coming across the Great Plains on it's way to New England. To demonstrate how hot it is, The National Weather Service of Omaha Nebraska attempted to bake biscuits using only the sun and a car in the parking lot of their headquarters. As you can see. the biscuits are riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiising.

I might make a traditional French wedding cake, the Croquembouche, in my car this weekend!

image; nws twitter

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