Many consider "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" by the Beatles to be one of the best albums of all time. Producer Robert Stigwood managed to turn that music into one of the worst movies of all time.
Look at this cast! Peter Frampton (as Billy Shears) and The Bee Gees as Sgt. Pepper's band. Twenty-nine Beatles songs are sung by a bizarre collection of celebrities like George Burns, Alice Cooper, Aerosmith, Connie Stevens, David Bowie, and Steve Martin, who perform hallucinatory versions of Beatles hits. The whole mish-mash culminates when a gold-lamé garbed Billy Preston, as a black messiah, sings" Hey Jude" and raises the dead.
Variety calls it, "A totally bubblegum and cotton candy melange of garish fantasy and narcissism."
People Magazine said, "Like a box of candy left on the beach, this movie is a gooey, sugary mess. But buried in the glop are a few nuggets."
It's so bad, it can be fun to watch! One of the few nuggets is Aerosmith performing "Come Together" as "The Future Villain Band," which also includes the fight scene for the ages, Peter Frampton versus Steven Tyler.