He was an NFL Superstar, he's got a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model girlfriend, he's a CBD Oil spokesperson and now, he's immortalized in corn.
West End Creamery in Whitinsville has created a maze with the image of Rob Gronkowski about to hammer one of his devastating post touchdown spikes. On their Facebook post they said,
"West End Creamery is proud to announce our 2019 maize design which celebrates the astounding football career of Rob Gronkowski. What an a-maize-ing person you are on and off the field, Gronk, and it’s been so fun to watch you play! Together with Pats fans everywhere, we are sad to see you retire, and wish you all the best! We will miss you this season!"
You can get lost in his Gronkness starting Sept. 21st. Here's directions and details at Westendfallfestival.com.