Via Shouldn't these guys have been at a barn raising? Hey, I've seen "Witness" with Harrison Ford and I remember a lot of candle power and hymnal singing, I've never seen a tricked out buggy like this.
A deputy in Trumbull County, Ohio reported seeing two Amish men drinking as they rode on the back of a buggy early Sunday. When the officer saw a 12-pack of Michelob Ultra on the back of the buggy, he tried to pull it over, but the guys jumped off and broke for the woods while the horse continued to pull the buggy.
Upon closer inspection, the deputy found several open containers of alcohol and a kickass stereo system with giant speakers that Snoop Dogg would love. The buggy was towed and the horse is being cared for by a nearby resident until someone claims the animal.
I would love to know if they were blasting out some Motley Crue or Megadeath, and how can you just abandon this one horsepower rolling party? Nobody has claimed it yet...
The deputy called out over his car's loudspeaker for the men to come forward, but no one emerged from the woods.