My daughter goes to school in New York and a month ago she said she had her first true New York experience. She watched an overweight rat unsuccesfully try to shimmy through a storm drain grate for about 5 minutes.
While I'm glad she's getting to see some of the city's wildlife in it's natural habitat, she missed out on the latest social media star, "Cigarette Cockroach." On Friday, attorney Tom Kretchmar tweeted a video that shows the insect dragging a cigarette across a sewer grate at the intersection of 53rd Street and Fifth Avenue.
But who is the bigger star? The upstart cockroach craving a nicotine break, or the veteran "Pizza Rat," brazenly dragging an entire slice of New York's finest down the stairs of the subway?
"Newwwwwwww Yorrrrrrrrrrrrk, Newwwwwwww Yorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk!"