Via Big shout out to our elected officials for keeping us updated on the Corona Virus. Yesterday during Boston Mayor Marty Walsh's press conference at city hall, someone other than a medical expert wandered into camera range. "Bruins Guy."
Twitter loves this Bruins fan, the hero we all needed, just at the right time. Some reactions:
"I desperately need backstory on Bruins guy. Bed head. Slightly hammered. And somehow wanders into presser outside city hall in midst of pandemic. ... Protesting bar closures? Looking for a Dunks that will let them hang out? Absently walking streets with no hockey? WHAT?"
“Jimmy, didn’t you say Halftime Pizza was right around this connah???”
"JAY! JAY! IT'S A BABY WHALE!!" oh wait, nope, it's a press conference..."
Behold...Bruins guy.