2020 just won't stop. First there were all those photos of people eating bat soup, now the internet has blown up with images of what's described as, "human sized" bats!
Alex on Twitter got everyone's attention when he wrote, "Remember when I told y'all about the Philippines having human-sized bats? Yeah, this was what I was talking about." Followed by photos of this giant bat creature!
Experts say this is probably a large "Flying Fox Bat," which is a fruit bat, not exactly "human size" but it's wingspan can stretch 5 1/2 feet! They're an endangered species because of habitat loss and being hunted as a human food source. Food??? We're back to bat soup again.
Imagine walking out of your place and seeing this hanging around. Check out the photos, but to really appreciate it, you have to watch the video of this monster bat stretching. Yeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!