Via Coolidge Corner Theatre has really upped the drive in experience. They're setting up a 30 foot screen and showing the 2010 Martin Scorsese thriller, "Shutter Island," on the grounds of the now closed Medfield State Hospital where it was filmed.
U.S Marshal Teddy Daniels, played by Leonardo Dicaprio, tries to locate a missing patient at the psychiatric facility on Shutter Island, and it's spooky as hell! I've taken a bike ride past the grounds, but I would never do that at night...
How cool is this? Ticket holders are welcome to arrive early and walk the grounds of the former hospital before the film begins at sundown at around 8 p.m. Once the movie begins, guests are asked to remain in their cars unless buying concessions or visiting the restrooms. Would you really roam around there in the dark?
Lock the doors...
Screenings are Saturday September 5th and Sunday September 6th. You can buy tickets here at Coolidge Corner Theatre.