(Photos by CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT/AFP via Getty Images)
Via Reuters.com. A French kindergarten teacher who has his face, body, and tongue covered in tattoos, even going so far as to have the whites of his eyes surgically turned black, has lost his job because...wait for it...a parent complained that he was giving their kid nightmares.
Ya think? Sylvain Helaine, who also goes by the name, "Freaky Hoodie," seems like a nice enough guy, but for little kids going into his classroom, it has to be a shock to have the teacher with the black eyes reading, "Goodnight Moon."
He tells Reuters, “All of my students and their parents were always cool with me because basically they knew me,” said Helaine, who estimated he has spent around 460 hours under the tattooists’ needle. It’s only when people see me from far away that they can assume the worst.”
He still wants to pursue his dream of teaching though, “I’m a primary school teacher ... I love my job.”
Check out the ink on this teacher!