Chuck Nowlin

Chuck Nowlin

Hear Chuck Nowlin weekdays from 2pm - 7pm on 100.7 WZLX.Full Bio


Magpies Are Attacking People In Australia And The Video Is Crazy

2020 has a new player. After months of coronavirus, giant jellyfish, and murder hornets, the swooping Magpies are terrorizing Australia.

It's "swooping season" in Australia. Every year from August to late October, Magpies get all protective and dive bomb anybody that comes within 300 feet of their nests. These flying razor blades will attack anything that they view as a threat to their newly born hatchlings, from SUV's to dogs.

Australians arm themselves with helmets and heavy clothing to ward off the inevitable terror from the sky. Some handle it well, some don't. Check out the video. The kid on the skateboard is screaming his Vegemite off as the bird goes talons first, over and over again. Is it bad that I laughed at that? A lot? In the second video a well padded father and son ride their bikes into Magpie territory and laugh at the swoopage. Check it out...

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