Chuck Nowlin

Chuck Nowlin

Hear Chuck Nowlin weekdays from 2pm - 7pm on 100.7 WZLX.Full Bio


Starting Friday, You Have To Make Your Packy Run Before 9:30PM!!!

(Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

Via When will the madness of 2020 end? Governor Charlie Baker announced several new orders Monday because of the uptick in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations in the state of Massachusetts.

Starting Friday, liquor stores and other establishments have to stop selling alcohol at 9:30pm! You have to make your packy run earlier. Plan accordingly to drink away the stress of watching Patriots games. But wait, there's more.

Businesses That Will Now Be Required To Close Early:

-Restaurants (in-person dining must cease at 9:30 PM, although takeout and delivery may continue for food and non-alcoholic beverages, but not alcohol)

-Liquor stores and other retail establishments that sell alcohol must cease alcohol sales at 9:30 PM (but may continue to sell other products)

-Adult-use marijuana sales must cease at 9:30 PM (not including medical marijuana)

-Indoor & outdoor events

-Theaters/movie theaters (including drive-in movie theaters), and performance venues (indoor and outdoor)

-Youth and adult amateur sports activities

-Golf facilities

-Recreational boating and boating businesses

-Outdoor recreational experiences

-Casinos and horse tracks/simulcast facilities

-Driving and flight schools

-Zoos, botanical gardens, wildlife reserves, nature centers

-Close contact personal services (such as hair and nail salons)

-Gyms, Fitness Centers and Health Clubs

-Indoor and outdoor pools

-Museums/cultural & historical facilities/guided tours

I'm kinda bummed I can't take flying lessons at night after hitting the liquor store at 9:25pm.

Wear your mask!!!

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