Via Since some people feel "strongly" about the 45th President of the United States, this could raise a lot of money. The Trump Plaza Casino has been sitting empty and decaying in Atlantic City New Jersey for six years. It's time for it to go to make room for something new, so the mayor has come up with a way to raise money for the Boys and Girls Clubs. You can be the one who presses the button that blows it up!
Bodnar's Auction will be collecting bids, and you get the option to detonate the explosives from the comfort of your couch or as close to the building as safely possible. Here's the description...
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to bid on the right to push the button to implode Trump Plaza, Atlantic City, NJ. As you may or may not know, the Trump Plaza has been scheduled demolition and leveled off the boardwalk of Atlantic City. For several years it has been sitting empty and now is the time to end an era and replace it with something new. We are selling the experience to push the button to implode Trump Plaza. This will be done remotely and can be done anywhere in the world as well as close to the Plaza as we can safely get you there! All Proceeds of this auction will benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City, NJ. Ever since the start of this pandemic they have seen an increase of young children and adolescents benefit from the services of The Boys & Girl Club and are in need of all the assistance they can get for the community. This will be a live broadcasted sale so we hope to see you on sale day and start the year with a Bang!
If you would like to place a bid, click here at