Chuck Nowlin

Chuck Nowlin

Hear Chuck Nowlin weekdays from 2pm - 7pm on 100.7 WZLX.Full Bio


Adam Sandler Blasts A Happy Gilmore Drive For The Movie's 25th Anniversary

Via What a perfect video for an icy day. All Happy Gilmore ever wanted to be was an NHL player. But when his Grandmother learns she's about to lose her home, Happy joins a golf tournament to try to win enough money to buy it back for her, utilizing his slapshot powered drive.

The comedy classic, "Happy Gilmore," was released on this day February 16, 1996, and to celebrate the 25th anniversary, Adam Sandler hit the links to recreate the famous, "Happy Gilmore Drive." He nailed it, and trolled his golfing nemesis Shooter McGavin!

It wasn't long before Shooter responded with his own video and challenge. Check it out...

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