Jay Christensen shot drone video of a Minneapolis bowling alley to help drum up some business. What he made is drumming up some movie business for himself.
The 87 second video called, "Right Up Our Alley," is amazing. He swoops the drone through the front door of the Bryant Lake Bowl and Theater, down the alley, through the pin setter, around the bowlers, and into the theater, all in one sweeping shot. Along the way we hear people saying quotes from bowling movie classics like, "The Big Lebowski," and, "Kingpin."
His camera work has caught the eye of the movie studios. Hollywood director Lee Unkrich said, “This is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen!”
It really is amazing! The drone circles around and through everything at high speed, all in one take. The ninth of ten takes was used, hey, practice makes perfect, and, spoiler alert, the drone survived the crash at the end.
Look at this, it's crazy!