Chuck Nowlin

Chuck Nowlin

Hear Chuck Nowlin weekdays from 2pm - 7pm on 100.7 WZLX.Full Bio


Florida High School Alters Yearbook Photos To Hide Girls Chests

First thing you do when you get your high school yearbook is flip to the page with your photo and recoil in horror, or maybe you think you look good, but about ten years later you just look at it and laugh. Imagine how these girls felt when they opened their yearbooks and saw that their photos had been digitally altered without their permission.

Parents are outraged that 83 students had their Bartram Trail High School yearbook photo digitally altered to conceal their chests in Jacksonville, Florida. Yes, conceal their chests, even though these photos look fine! One Mom told WTLV in Jacksonville, “They completely altered her photo, and it makes her chest looked deformed in a way. Now other kids are writing in her yearbook and writing about it and making comments and jokes about it.”

Other parents have pointed out the double standard where the boys swim team is pictured in their Speedos, and that shows a lot more skin. This is crazy, look at these photos and what they did to them.

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